For some reason there is no data in that resolution bin


> On 9 Dec 2016, at 17:30, Xiao Lei <> wrote:
> Hi All, 
> I have an x ray diffraction dataset of protein and dna complex processed with 
> pointless and I am trying to get the resolution cut for this data, the result 
> is below, I do not know why in the N=23 (Dmid=3.68) bin, there is no 
> statistic of CC(1/2), N_cc, CCfit, etc?  The program just put a "-" sign into 
> it.  I guess if this means something bad probably I have to cut the 
> resolution to 3.7A.
> $TABLE: Mn(I/sigI) and CC(1/2) [in P1] vs. resolution:
> $GRAPHS:Resolution estimate 3.89A:0.000213587|0.0981986x0|1:2,4,6,7,9:
>  $$
>   N  1/d^2    Dmid CC(1/2)   N_CC   CCfit  Mn(I/sigI)      N (I/sigI)/10   $$ 
> $$
>   1  0.0018  23.27   0.939     51   0.990       92.43    142       9.243
>   2  0.0051  13.99   0.993    210   0.987       72.33    607       7.233
>   3  0.0084  10.92   0.984    323   0.984       61.77    937       6.177
>   4  0.0116   9.27   0.974    344   0.981       54.77   1030       5.477
>   5  0.0149   8.19   0.969    486   0.976       29.98   1412       2.998
>   6  0.0182   7.42   0.961    491   0.971       13.24   1459       1.324
>   7  0.0214   6.83   0.879    535   0.964        8.75   1558       0.875
>   8  0.0247   6.36   0.885    597   0.956        6.70   1755       0.670
>   9  0.0280   5.98   0.939    693   0.947        7.16   2003       0.716
>  10  0.0312   5.66   0.807    697   0.935        4.97   2042       0.497
>  11  0.0345   5.38   0.815    757   0.921        5.53   2195       0.553
>  12  0.0378   5.15   0.910    878   0.904        6.08   2547       0.608
>  13  0.0410   4.94   0.913    890   0.884        7.49   2582       0.749
>  14  0.0443   4.75   0.906    934   0.861        7.42   2710       0.742
>  15  0.0476   4.58   0.824    976   0.834        5.06   2695       0.506
>  16  0.0508   4.44   0.812   1010   0.802        5.32   2859       0.532
>  17  0.0541   4.30   0.843   1099   0.767        5.25   3126       0.525
>  18  0.0574   4.17   0.862   1030   0.727        4.49   2790       0.449
>  19  0.0606   4.06   0.752   1115   0.683        3.04   2927       0.304
>  20  0.0639   3.96   0.675    439   0.636        2.53   1117       0.253
>  21  0.0672   3.86   0.139    176   0.586        1.64    393       0.164
>  22  0.0704   3.77   0.734   1082   0.534        2.65   2641       0.265
>  23  0.0737   3.68    -         -    -            -        -        -   
>  24  0.0770   3.60   0.489    681   0.429        2.20   1633       0.220
>  25  0.0802   3.53   0.358   1430   0.378        1.85   3248       0.185
>  26  0.0835   3.46  -0.428     12   0.330        1.38     22       0.138
>  27  0.0868   3.39   0.390    663   0.285        1.73   1404       0.173
>  28  0.0900   3.33   0.128   1443   0.244        1.39   2946       0.139
>  29  0.0933   3.27   0.149   1372   0.207        1.37   2835       0.137
>  30  0.0966   3.22   0.183   1578   0.175        1.40   3202       0.140
> Thanks ahead.

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