Hi All,

I have an x ray diffraction dataset of protein and dna complex processed
with pointless and I am trying to get the resolution cut for this data, the
result is below, I do not know why in the N=23 (Dmid=3.68) bin, there is no
statistic of CC(1/2), N_cc, CCfit, etc?  The program just put a "-" sign
into it.  I guess if this means something bad probably I have to cut the
resolution to 3.7A.

$TABLE: Mn(I/sigI) and CC(1/2) [in P1] vs. resolution:

$GRAPHS:Resolution estimate 3.89A:0.000213587|0.0981986x0|1:2,4,6,7,9:


  N  1/d^2    Dmid CC(1/2)   N_CC   CCfit  Mn(I/sigI)      N (I/sigI)/10   $$ $$

  1  0.0018  23.27   0.939     51   0.990       92.43    142       9.243

  2  0.0051  13.99   0.993    210   0.987       72.33    607       7.233

  3  0.0084  10.92   0.984    323   0.984       61.77    937       6.177

  4  0.0116   9.27   0.974    344   0.981       54.77   1030       5.477

  5  0.0149   8.19   0.969    486   0.976       29.98   1412       2.998

  6  0.0182   7.42   0.961    491   0.971       13.24   1459       1.324

  7  0.0214   6.83   0.879    535   0.964        8.75   1558       0.875

  8  0.0247   6.36   0.885    597   0.956        6.70   1755       0.670

  9  0.0280   5.98   0.939    693   0.947        7.16   2003       0.716

 10  0.0312   5.66   0.807    697   0.935        4.97   2042       0.497

 11  0.0345   5.38   0.815    757   0.921        5.53   2195       0.553

 12  0.0378   5.15   0.910    878   0.904        6.08   2547       0.608

 13  0.0410   4.94   0.913    890   0.884        7.49   2582       0.749

 14  0.0443   4.75   0.906    934   0.861        7.42   2710       0.742

 15  0.0476   4.58   0.824    976   0.834        5.06   2695       0.506

 16  0.0508   4.44   0.812   1010   0.802        5.32   2859       0.532

 17  0.0541   4.30   0.843   1099   0.767        5.25   3126       0.525

 18  0.0574   4.17   0.862   1030   0.727        4.49   2790       0.449

 19  0.0606   4.06   0.752   1115   0.683        3.04   2927       0.304

 20  0.0639   3.96   0.675    439   0.636        2.53   1117       0.253

 21  0.0672   3.86   0.139    176   0.586        1.64    393       0.164

 22  0.0704   3.77   0.734   1082   0.534        2.65   2641       0.265

 23  0.0737   3.68    -         -    -            -        -        -

 24  0.0770   3.60   0.489    681   0.429        2.20   1633       0.220

 25  0.0802   3.53   0.358   1430   0.378        1.85   3248       0.185

 26  0.0835   3.46  -0.428     12   0.330        1.38     22       0.138

 27  0.0868   3.39   0.390    663   0.285        1.73   1404       0.173

 28  0.0900   3.33   0.128   1443   0.244        1.39   2946       0.139

 29  0.0933   3.27   0.149   1372   0.207        1.37   2835       0.137

 30  0.0966   3.22   0.183   1578   0.175        1.40   3202       0.140

Thanks ahead.

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