
Keeping the waters in a model used for molecular replacement search is not a very good idea.

I'd suggest first that you use a program like Chainsaw and possibly additional programs to fine-tune your search model to the problem that you are trying to solve.

Also, reading material such as the ccp4 study weekend proceedings devoted to molecular replacement and similar material (that are available on the internet) would be a good idea as well. The problems you are encountering have been discussed in the literature.


On 06/01/15 13:06, allen price wrote:

Dear all:

I got a dataset at 2.8 angstron. I have tried several ways such as phaser, MRBUMP,BALBES,but still can't solve the

data,which means I have to edit my model. Maybe I'd better cut it off or delete the water or loop. I really have no

idea,as it is my first time to do such things, I alway used the whole model to mr. Could anyone give me some advice?

what kind  of software do you guys use? really need you help!

Best regards,


Fred. Vellieux (B.Sc., Ph.D., hdr)

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