Dear CCP4bb,

I am experiencing an unusual error when running truncate.  The program appears 
to be converting I's to F's, but then failing to output them in the resulting 
mtz file, see mtzdump output below:

 Col Sort    Min    Max    Num      %     Mean     Mean   Resolution   Type 
 num order               Missing complete          abs.   Low    High       

   1 ASC      0      26      0  100.00     12.6     12.6  79.95   3.00   H  H
   2 NONE     0      15      0  100.00      4.3      4.3  79.95   3.00   H  K
   3 NONE   -42      42      0  100.00      0.7     16.0  79.95   3.00   H  L
   4 NONE    0.0    19.0     0  100.00     9.56     9.56  79.95   3.00   I  
   5 BOTH     ?       ?  12968    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00   F  
   6 BOTH     ?       ?  12968    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00   Q  
   7 BOTH    0.0     0.0    25   99.81     0.00     0.00  42.22   3.00   D  
   8 BOTH    0.0     0.0 11253   13.22     0.00     0.00  42.22   3.00   Q  
   9 BOTH     ?       ?  12968    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00   G  
  10 BOTH     ?       ?  12968    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00   L  
  11 BOTH     ?       ?  12968    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00   G  
  12 BOTH     ?       ?  12968    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00   L  
  13 BOTH     0       0     25   99.81      0.0      0.0  42.22   3.00   Y  
  14 NONE   -8.9 72479.2    25   99.81   198.34   198.44  42.22   3.00   J  
  15 NONE    0.6  3135.7    25   99.81     5.25     5.25  42.22   3.00   Q  
  16 NONE  -10.8 72479.2    25   99.81   198.18   198.37  42.22   3.00   K  
  17 NONE    0.0  3135.7    25   99.81     6.79     6.79  42.22   3.00   M  
  18 NONE   -9.5 72479.2    25   99.81   198.30   198.47  42.22   3.00   K  
  19 NONE    0.0  3135.7    25   99.81     6.70     6.70  42.22   3.00   M  

 No. of reflections used in FILE STATISTICS    12968

The truncate log file shows no obvious errors apart from the cumulative 
intensity plot which indicates no reflections, all other diagnostic indicators 
for data quality seem to suggest everything is ok.  I get the error with both 
ctruncate and truncate and also automatically as part of the scaling/merging 
pipelines.  The data were processed with imosflm, scaled with aimless with 
neither flagging any errors with the data.  I am running CCP4 6.4.0 on a linux 
box (Centos 6) and have installed the latest updates. Any suggestions as to 
what the fault might be and how to get around it would be greatly appreciated.

best wishes,


Dr Stephen Carr
Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford
Oxon OX11 0FA
United Kingdom
tel 01235 567717
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