Qiagen used to sell hanging-drop trays with screw-cap tops, and the tops
had six rings on them (3 large, 3 small).  The rings had a lip on them that
kept the drop from spreading beyond the edge.  I found these quite useful
when setting up drops that had detergent in them.

I unfortunately don't know what they are called, as I have several at my
bench but not the packaging they arrived in.

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Eva Bligt-Lindén <eva.bl...@abo.fi> wrote:

> Thank you for your replies. To my knowledge the protein is not a
> surface-tension-reducing-**protein and there is no detergent in the
> sample. I have tried different plates and still the same result. I will try
> a different crystallization technique such as batch under oil or
> counter-diffusion if I do not solve this problem. But now I am curious to
> know what is causing the disturbed surface tension and if someone else has
> experienced and dealt with something similar.
> Kind regards,
> Eva
> Quoting anna anna <marmottalb...@gmail.com>:
>  Why don't you try batch under oil?
>> 2012/11/7 Eva Bligt-Lindén <eva.bl...@abo.fi>
>>  Dear ccp4 users,
>>> I have a problem in the crystallization of my target protein. Whenever I
>>> set up a vapour diffusion experiment, either hanging or sitting drops,
>>> the
>>> drops spread out. The surface tension is completely lost in 80-90% of the
>>> droplets. Have any one experienced something similar? What could be the
>>> reason for this strange behaviour? I have tried three different
>>> commercial
>>> screens with 96 condition each and there is no difference between the
>>> screens. There is no difference between manual or robotic setups either.
>>> The protein buffer is 40 mM Tris, 2 mM MgCl2 buffer, pH 7.4. The buffer
>>> controls are all ok.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Eva
>>> ______________________________****______
>>> Eva Bligt-Lindén (M.Sc.)
>>> PhD student
>>> Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory
>>> Department of Biosciences,
>>> Åbo Akademi University
>>> BioCity, Tykistökatu 6A
>>> FI-20520 Turku
>>> Finland
> ______________________________**______
> Eva Bligt-Lindén (M.Sc.)
> PhD student
> Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory
> Department of Biosciences,
> Åbo Akademi University
> BioCity, Tykistökatu 6A
> FI-20520 Turku
> Finland

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