Thank you for your replies. To my knowledge the protein is not a
surface-tension-reducing-protein and there is no detergent in the
sample. I have tried different plates and still the same result. I
will try a different crystallization technique such as batch under oil
or counter-diffusion if I do not solve this problem. But now I am
curious to know what is causing the disturbed surface tension and if
someone else has experienced and dealt with something similar.
Kind regards,
Quoting anna anna <>:
Why don't you try batch under oil?
2012/11/7 Eva Bligt-Lindén <>
Dear ccp4 users,
I have a problem in the crystallization of my target protein. Whenever I
set up a vapour diffusion experiment, either hanging or sitting drops, the
drops spread out. The surface tension is completely lost in 80-90% of the
droplets. Have any one experienced something similar? What could be the
reason for this strange behaviour? I have tried three different commercial
screens with 96 condition each and there is no difference between the
screens. There is no difference between manual or robotic setups either.
The protein buffer is 40 mM Tris, 2 mM MgCl2 buffer, pH 7.4. The buffer
controls are all ok.
Kind regards,
Eva Bligt-Lindén (M.Sc.)
PhD student
Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory
Department of Biosciences,
Åbo Akademi University
BioCity, Tykistökatu 6A
FI-20520 Turku
Eva Bligt-Lindén (M.Sc.)
PhD student
Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory
Department of Biosciences,
Åbo Akademi University
BioCity, Tykistökatu 6A
FI-20520 Turku