On Tue, 2012-04-17 at 17:49 -0400, Uma Ratu wrote: > In order to have my target .pdb, I need to mutate the residues using > coot?
Others already recommended CHAINSAW to prepare the model. Note that coot has a nice feature under Extensions->All molecule... called "[Post MR] Fill partial residues...". By default, CHAINSAW will truncate non-conserved residues to gamma atom, so you will end up with some weird-looking tryptophans. See http://www.biop.ox.ac.uk/coot/doc/coot/Fill-Partial-Residues.html for details. IMPORTANT! You still have to inspect the model manually, adjust some side chains, build alternate conformers, fix the backbone where needed, fill gaps etc. But you already know this. Cheers, Ed. -- Coot verendus est