Dear Garib,

I think it is better if refmac outputs final solvent mask when mskout specified.
If one just wanted to calculate the mask, NCYC 0 should be specified.

I hope my suggestion would be accepted, but I'm not in a hurry.

> FC_ALL is ML scaled FC+FMASK
> Sometime it may be different from least-squares scaled FC+FMASK

For what purpose is FC_ALL_LS written?
Can I check something by comparing FC_ALLto FC_ALL_LS?

I found somewhat large difference between FC_ALL_LS map and FC_ALL
map in Se position.
I used SAD function.
What does it mean?



2012/4/17 Garib N Murshudov <>:
> Dear Ketaro
> At the moment mskout option is a signal that the program should stop.
> Obviously I can add an option to continue. However if you have mskout option
> it is likely that you want to check what is going on with the mask. If you
> want to compare starting and final mask then you could run refmac with
> mskout in the beginning and after refinement.
> If you need it urgently then I can add continuation of refinement with
> mskout option.
> FC_ALL is ML scaled FC+FMASK
> Sometime it may be different from least-squares scaled FC+FMASK
> regards
> Garib
> On 16 Apr 2012, at 16:01, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:
> Dear Garib,
> Thank you very much for your quick reply.
> I tried mskout option and the output looked almost the same as the map
> generated by FC_ALL - FC.
> By the way, when mskout option is specified, refmac stops before CGMAT
> cycles.
> Is there any way to do refinement with mskout option?
> I have not tried but if you can use vector difference map then it should be:
> What is FC_ALL in the new version?
> Thanks,
> Keitaro
> 2012/4/16 Garib N Murshudov <>:
> A follow up:
> In the new version there is FC_ALL_LS, PHIC_ALL_LS
> That should be FC_ALL_LS = FC + FMASK.
> I have not tried but if you can use vector difference map then it should be:
> But it is after scaling. If you write out mask map then it is just 0 1 map
> (0 inside protein and 1 outside), except values are not 0 1 but 0 and some
> constant
> Regards
> Garib
> On 16 Apr 2012, at 15:09, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:
> Dear Garib,
> Is there REFMAC option to output solvent mask information (e.g. Fmask
> and PHImask in mtz to check with Coot)?
> I tried to generate it by subtracting (FC, PHIC) from (FC_ALL,PHIC_ALL).
> But I'm not sure that FC_ALL = FC + FMASK is correct or not.
> Keitaro
> 2012/4/16 Garib N Murshudov <>:
> Dear Allister
> Could you please update refmac version. In the version you it seems that
> bulk solvent mask calculation has some problems. New version (at the moment)
> can be downloaded from this site:
> There is a mac version also.
> regards
> Garib
> On 16 Apr 2012, at 11:37, Allister Crow wrote:
> Board members,
> I have a couple of questions regarding how to improve the solvent model as
> applied to solvent-filled cavities inside proteins.
> I am currently nearing the end of refinement of a protein structure at 2.8 A
> resolution.  I recently switched Refmac versions, upon doing this I noticed
> a modest improvement in R factors, but I also notice some new features in
> the difference maps.  These features don't show up in the sigma-weighted
> 2Fo-Fc maps and are unlikely to be 'ligands' of any form.  In fact, I
> suspect that the appearance of these features (which are all located in
> solvent channels within cavities inside the protein) are probably due to
> some difference in how the bulk solvent contribution has been applied.
> I've attached a picture of one such feature showing the difference between
> Refmac 5.5 and 5.6.  (Both difference maps are contoured at 3 sigma- both
> using the same model and refinement parameters).
> My questions are therefore:
> 1) has something substantial changed in the bulk solvent treatment between
> Refmac versions 5.5 and 5.6?
> 2) How can I go about changing the bulk solvent treatment to better account
> for solvent contribution inside the protein cavities?
> Best wishes, and thanks in advance for all your help,
> - Allister Crow
> <bulk_solvent_inside_cavities.png>
> Dr Garib N Murshudov
> Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
> Hills Road
> Cambridge
> CB2 0QH UK
> Email:
> Web
> Dr Garib N Murshudov
> Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
> Hills Road
> Cambridge
> CB2 0QH UK
> Email:
> Web
> Dr Garib N Murshudov
> Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
> Hills Road
> Cambridge
> CB2 0QH UK
> Email:
> Web

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