Hi Ed,

Ok, I'll bite: I would be very interested to see any data sets which
initially were thought to be e.g. PG222 and scale OK ish with that but
turn out in hindsight to be say PG2. Trying to automatically spot this
or at least warn inside xia2 would be really handy. Any
pseudosymmetric examples interesting.

Also any which are pseudocentred - index OK in C2 (say) but should
really be P2 (with the same cell) as the "missing" reflections are in
fact present but are just rather weaker due to NCS.

I have one example of each from the JCSG but more would be great,
especially in cases where the structure was solved & deposited.

There we go.

Now the matter of actually getting these here is slightly harder but
if anyone has an example I will work something out. Please get in
touch off-list... I will respond to the BB in a week or so to feed
back on how responses to this go :o)

Best wishes,


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