Gerard Bricogne wrote:

. . . . the view, expressed by many and just now
supported by George, that developers could perfectly well do their job on
the basis of relatively small collections of test datasets that they could
assemble through their own connections or initiative. I mostly agree with
this. So the improvements will take place, perhaps not to the same final
degree of robustness, but to a useful degree nevertheless.

Well, lets put it to the test-
Let one developer advertise on this board a request for the type
of datasets (s)he would like to have as test case for current project.
The assumption is that it is out there. See whether or not people
recognize their data as fitting the request and voluntarily supply
it, or we need this effort to make all data available and (what would
be more burdensome) annotate it sufficiently so the same developer
looking for a particular pathology would be able to find it among
the petabytes of other data.

I seem to remember two or three times in the past 18 years that
such requests have been made (and there is the standing request to make
data submitted to the aRP/wARP server available to the developers),
and i assumed the developers were getting what they wanted.
Maybe not- maybe they found no one responds to those requests so they
stopped making them.

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