On 10/13/2011 12:14 PM, 王瑞 wrote:
hello everyone:
Excuse me, could anyone give me some suggestions? Afetr several cycles
of refmac, it give me such a result:
Initial Final
R factor 0.2540 0.2531
R free 0.3499 0.3500
Rms BondLength 0.0151 0.0151
Rms BondAngle 2.0266 2.0393
Rms ChirVolume 0.1179 0.1188
In fact, I have tried model building& continue refmac, but the R free is
still above 0.34. The resolution is 43.728 to 2.088Å and space group is C
2 2 21 . What I should to do?
Hard to say without seeing your map, model is probably correct.. Have
you built waters? Are there errors? How good is your data?