The following is simply a quote from a recent post by Enrico Stura.
Probably has a lot to do with what you are finding:
"Glycerol is also great to reduce nucleation. If you decide to add
glycerol to the protein solution (for solubility, but in your case it
might be for stability
reasons), you also need to have a higher (double) glycerol concentration
in the reservoir else you will risk finding that your drops will get
biggger and
not smaller. This note of caution applies to vapour diffusion set ups as
equilibration can be tricky in such context:
Vera,L., Czarny, B., Georgiadis, D., Dive, V., Stura, E.A. (2011)
Practical Use of Glycerol in Protein Crystallization. Cryst. Growth &
Des. 11 :2755–2762. "
Good luck
Dave (but really, this is all Enrico)
On 9/9/2011 7:22 AM, anita p wrote:
Dear Crystallographers,
I have set hanging drop trays with 2ul of protein and 2 ul of
resorvior solution. I have seen in some cases the drops are swelling.
My protein buffer has 15% glycerol in it.
This is happening mainly when I have peg 400 or peg MME or MPD or
Jeffamine in the buffer condition.
Could any one suggest a remedy for this.
with regards