"the space group is I422" "do you have any other suggestion?"

Yes, how certain are you of the space group? For myself, I'm never entirely certain of the space group until I have solved the structure... I always keep in mind the other possibilities for space group assignment, if need be. And sometimes the "obvious space group" is not the space group of the "final" structure. The computer programs we use only give hints of the solution, but these are only hints. Remember that crystals "behave as they want", the fact for example that I(equiv.1) is approximately equal to I(equiv.2) is approximately equal to I(equiv.3) etc does not mean that the relationship between intensities is in fact an equality, it can be just an approximation... With crystals I have learned, everything is possible.

It might be an idea to enclose parts of relevant XDS output files for our perusal. Using "standard" input parameters (for spot selection) as well as your spot selection input parameters.


Marco Lolicato wrote:
Thank you to all!

I have a problem with the following sentence:
"if I collect all spots I get good map, but it is impossible to solve the structure 
by molecular replacement" - if you have a good map (I assume electron density map) 
then the structure is solved... for me a good map is a map I can interpret.

You're right, I said "good map" instead of "good output values".

It is possible to process diffraction spots from both crystals using XDS. The 
procedure is described here (under 'Index and integrate multiple-crystal 

I tried but with no success! :(

@Kay and all the others

The following links are the images:




...then a little bit more details...
so, if I process only the strong spots I have those cell parameters:
         a=b=96.66      c=112.26        alpha=beta=gamma= 90

f I process all the spots I have those cell parameters:
        a=b=216.4       c=112.4         alpha=beta=gamma= 90

In both cases the space group is I422.

Thank you again to all, do you have any other suggestion?


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