It does not matter. By fitting manually you are doing manual minimisation. The 
same treatment is applied. You are trying to optimise fit of the model into the 
electron density.
I did these tests few years back and results were as expected. Independent on 
minimisation tools (manual, automatic, partial, full:  real space, reciprocal 
space) exactly same "model bias" is added. As I said the reason is Parseval's 
theorem (with some adjustments in case when you are using maximum likelihood 


On 23 May 2011, at 21:45, Hailiang Zhang wrote:

> Thanks Garib, but my task was not real space refinement (just manual model
> building/adjustment). Following is my previous post. Thanks!
> """I am not doing real space refinement. Actually I am only using  the
> maps for manual model building/adjustments. In this case, if some Rfree
> reflections have strong scattering intensities, removing them may lead to
> featureless density maps. However, if we just leave them in, do you think
> we may have the so-called model-bias issue?"""
> Hailiang
>> It should be remembered that refining in real space is equivalent to
>> refinement in the reciprocal space (through Parseval's theorem).  If you
>> want to do consistent refinement then you need to use exactly same
>> reflections for free and working set. If you do not use the same set of
>> reflections for real and reciprocal space refinements then you may get
>> very interesting results.
>> Garib
>> On 23 May 2011, at 21:17, Hailiang Zhang wrote:
>>> Thanks Nat! I am not doing real space refinement. Actually I am only
>>> using
>>> the maps for manual model building/adjustments. In this case, if some
>>> Rfree reflections have strong scattering intensities, removing them may
>>> lead to featureless density maps. However, if we just leave them in, do
>>> you think we may have the so-called model-bias issue?
>>> Hailiang
>>>> On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Hailiang Zhang <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I have a preliminary question. I understand Rfree reflection sets are
>>>>> never used during automatic refinement, but, when generating the real
>>>>> space density maps, do we have to exclude Rfree columns? Any
>>>>> references
>>>>> will also be greatly appreciated!
>>>> If you are going to run overall real-space refinement on the structure,
>>>> you
>>>> should absolutely exclude the test set reflections from the map.  If
>>>> you
>>>> are
>>>> only going to run local refinement of small parts of the model in Coot
>>>> or
>>>> equivalent, it's debatable - in practice, I think most people/programs
>>>> leave
>>>> them in.
>>>> -Nat

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