NIH funded Postdoctoral Fellowship, structural biology
Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, National Institute of Neurological Disorders 
and Stroke (NINDS)
Location: NIH Main Campus
Start Date: position available immediately

Postdoctoral positions are available in the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit 
headed by Dr. Antonina Roll-Mecak at the National Institute of Neurological 
Disorders and Stroke. 

The Roll-Mecak lab is interested in understanding the interplay between 
microtubules and their regulators and how tubulin post-translational 
modifications tune the behavior of motors and microtubule associated proteins 
(see for instance Roll-Mecak, A. and Vale, R.D. 2008. Nature, 451(7176):363-7; 
Roll-Mecak, A. and McNally, F.J. 2010. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol., 22(1):96-103). 
We use a combination of biochemistry, structural biology, cell biology and 
single-molecule fluorescence techniques. Thus, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab 
would have the opportunity to move between these techniques and build upon an 
already strong background in structural biology.  Our lab is located in the 
Porter Center for Neuroscience on the NIH main campus in Bethesda. The NIH has 
a long tradition of research excellence in cytoskeletal biology and offers a 
stimulating environment for postdoctoral fellows interested in 
interdisciplinary training in biophysics and cell biology. The research 
facilities at NIH are outstanding and the lab has access to state-of-the-art 
equipment such as crystallization robots, liquid handling systems, TIRF and 
confocal microscopes. For more information, please visit:

The position will be fully funded by the NIH. We are looking for candidates who 
wish to work on structural biology problems related to microtubule cytoskeleton 
dynamics regulation and have a strong background in X-ray crystallography, 
protein overexpression and purification.

Other details: Candidates should preferably have less than 3 years of 
postdoctoral experience and a strong publication record.  Please send a CV, a 
one-page research experience summary, and contact information of three 
references to  Please write “Postdoctoral application” in 
the subject header.

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