Hi everyone-

I was searching for some information on what might be the best way to
add N-linked sugars in coot, and Google has let me down.  Searching
"adding sugars in coot" returns a very nice recipe for Coot Pudding.

Recipe for Coot Pudding - American Coots
<http://www.beakycoot.com/pudding.html>  It has plenty of fat, sugar,
and starch, and probably some calcium from the milk. ... The coots will
not tolerate adding eggs in any form, so this is an egg ...
www.beakycoot.com/pudding.html - Similar

I did not know that coots had such an aversion to eggs. :)

Anyway, would anyone have any top tips on adding N-linked sugars using
coot?  I can import the NAG monomers, but linking them up to the protein
seems non-trivial

Many thanks in advance,


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