You can melt the end of a thin glass capillary, forming a glass 'bead' at one 
You can then attack your drop, containing the crystals to made into seeds, with 
the beaded end of the capillary.
You can then pipette up the crushed crystals, and dilute and/or spin to make 
your seed stock.

With regards,
>> Dear CCP4bbers,
>> Can anyone suggests how to make seed-stocks if one is not having
>> seed-beads... Is there any other methods to crush the crystals for the
>> same
>> purpose. What if it is simple vortexed. Off-course there wold be all sorts
>> of sizes, the intact crystals as well.
>> Please suggest.
>> Thanks a lot more for previous help.
>> James.

Dr Antony W. Oliver
Senior Scientist
Cancer Research UK DNA Repair Enzymes Group
Section of Structural Biology
The Institute of Cancer Research
237 Fulham Road
020 7153 5571

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