Hi Brenda Try > 3M ammonium sulfate itself! We have tried that with great succes by cryo-cooling xtals grown at 3.2M AS straight out of their crystallization drops. You can consult the "M&M" section in Kyndt J. et al Biochemistry 2007 Jan 9;46(1):95-105 for a more detailed description of what we did.
Best of luck Savvas ---- Savvas Savvides L-ProBE, Unit for Structural Biology Ghent University K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35 9000 Ghent, BELGIUM office: +32-(0)9-264.51.24 ; mobile: +32-(0)472-92.85.19 Email: savvas.savvi...@ugent.be http://www.lprobe.ugent.be/xray.html -----Original Message----- From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Schulman, Brenda Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 6:19 PM To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: [ccp4bb] Cryoprotection in > 3M ammonium sulfate Hello! I would be grateful for suggestions on cryoprotectants for crystals growing in > 3M ammonium sulfate. Thanks! Brenda Email Disclaimer: www.stjude.org/emaildisclaimer E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor ( Database version: 6.13080 http://www.pctools.com/en/spyware-doctor-antivirus/