
I am recruiting for a postdoc position in my group, available immediately. This is the Protein Crystallography group of the Structural Genomics Consortium, Oxford. In particular, hard-core crystallographers strong on theory and (optionally) with a bent for programming, are invited to apply.

For details, please see: http://www.sgc.ox.ac.uk/jobs/H909009.html, or contact me for further info. (If you miss the deadline, don't despair, send your application anyway, directly to me.)

The remit of the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is to solve human proteins of medical relevance and place them in the public domain without restrictions; it is funded by a consortium of public and industrial funders, and consists of independently operating departments in the Universities of Oxford and Toronto, and Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm). The Oxford site has solved almost 300 such structures in the last five years, and is now halfway through Phase II which is funded till June 2011; this phase has an increased emphasis on chemical biology and membrane proteins. (http://www.sgc.ox.ac.uk)

The Protein Crystallography group collaborates tightly with the 5 other groups to get their purified proteins crystallized and solved (five per month). Additionally, our research revolves around methods development, for which we're ideally positioned thanks to accumulated historic data, extensive automation equipment, close links to vendors, and especially, access to the many proteins of high biological relevance. The current emphasis is on methodology for rapidly and systematically generating co-crystal structures, by expanding on the high-throughput approaches that underpin our success with novel targets; this is of high relevance to the the SGC's exploration of open source chemical biology.


Dr Frank von Delft
Principal Investigator: Protein Crystallography
Structural Genomics Consortium
Oxford University
+44 1865 617583

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