The Institute of Cancer Research is offering a fully funded PhD studentship in the Chromatin Regulation Team in the Section of Structural Biology, including tuition fees and, stipend. The Chromatin Regulation team is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms that determine the targeting and regulation of the enzyme complexes involved in the epigenetic signalling process. This project will determine how the mixed lineage leukaemia protein (MLL), the principle methyltransferase in gene activation, is linked to the cell cycle by its interaction with partner proteins such as the Host Cell Factor.

The studentship will give the opportunity to be trained in structural biology techniques, principally X-ray crystallography, and a range of biophysics and biochemistry approaches and apply this to a project in the rapidly developing field of epigenetic control of gene regulation. The Section of Structural Biology at ICR researches the molecular basis of biological processes to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of cancer and applies this research to the development of better cancer therapeutic agents.

The Institute of Cancer Research (a College of the University of London) is a world-class cancer research organisation with HEFCE RAE ratings of international excellence across all of its research programmes. In partnership with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust we form the largest comprehensive cancer centre in Europe, dedicated to research that extends from epidemiology, genetics and molecular biology, through drug discovery and development, to cancer diagnosis and patient treatment. This makes us uniquely placed to work towards our vision that people may live their lives free from the fear of cancer as a life threatening disease.

Applications are invited from suitably-qualified graduates or final year undergraduates who hold or expect to gain a first/upper second class honours degree or equivalent in Biology or a related subject. The successful candidate will undertake a four year research training programme, starting in September 2009, under the guidance of Dr Jon Wilson. The successful applicant will receive an annual stipend - £19,096 (inner London - Chester Beatty Laboratories, Fulham Road).

For further details on this studentship please visit: phds. To apply please email for an application form. The closing date for applications is 19th June 2009."

The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital, a charitable Company 
Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England under Company No. 534147 with its 
Registered Office at 123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP.

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