Dear List, I am trying to install the latest CCP4 6.1.1 binaries on Linux and running into sourcing problem. I could source the ccp4.setup file as root (c-shell) and ccp4 ran just fine. But as a user, with the same shell, I could not source the setup file. The error is "setenv: Too many arguments". There are so many environment variables in that file it's impossible to find the culprit. Could someone help me out?
Thanks, Jason This transmission may be confidential or protected from disclosure and is only for review and use by the intended recipient. Access by anyone else is unauthorized. Any unauthorized reader is hereby notified that any review, use, dissemination, disclosure or copying of this information, or any act or omission taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately. Thank you.