On Nov 18, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Anna S Gardberg wrote:
3. Eddie Snell made the point that most crystallographic software
cannot take advantage of multiple processors yet. Still, as some
people pointed, it is often convenient to try several refinement
options at the same time, so there would be greater convenience with
more processors.
I've used phenix to calculate iterative build composite omit maps.
I've also used phenix's autobuild after autosol option to do some
automated building at around 2.0A.
Tom Terwilliger said that scoring multiple heavy atom sites with
AutoSol will be supported sometime in the future.
All of these methods benefit with multiple cores. I personally would
invest in a multicore system, or better yet a small cluster.
Nobody here has talked about RAID. When it comes to integrating
images, the speed up to using a mirrored setup or a raid 5 array is
quite noticeable than just a single drive.
Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder
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