On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 18:04:11 +0000 Kevin Cowtan

>  From a system management point of view there is one very significant 
> benefit to Ubuntu: The LTS releases come out every 2 years and are 
> supported for 3 years. Compare this with Fedora: releases are only 
> supported for 18 months.

The comparable distribution to LTS is centos or the official rhel
releases, which are on a 7 year support cycle.  The standard ubuntu
releases follow almost the same 18 month cycle as fedora.



        Tim Fenn
        Stanford University, School of Medicine
        James H. Clark Center
        318 Campus Drive, Room E300
        Stanford, CA  94305-5432
        Phone:  (650) 736-1714
        FAX:  (650) 736-1961


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