
What is the best and user-friendly program to calculate a surface of the interface between two proteins?

If you want a list of interface residues...

The Protein-Protein Interface Database (http://ppidb.cs.iastate.edu/ppidb/InterfaceResidues) is easy to use, but it is only for structures in the PDB. It will identify interface residues using a distance based measure or loss of surface area upon binding.

You could use the Protein Structure Analysis Package (http://iris.physics.iisc.ernet.in/psap/), but that server is down at this moment.

Another option is to use the WHAT IF Server (http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/servers/html/index.html). Its atomic contacts are based on the distance between VDW surfaces. Since it reports all of the contacts, you'll need to look for contacts involving different chains.

The KFC Server (http://kfc.mitchell-lab.org) predicts binding hot spots within a protein-protein interface. You could use this if you don't mind defining an interface residue as any residue within 4 A of the binding partner. The output only lists interface residues. (Disclaimer: I was a principal developer)

If you want to calculate the buried surface area...

I would split the complex into separate files, then run MSMS on the unbound structures and the bound structure. You can download the program at http://www.scripps.edu/~sanner/html/msms_home.html, or use it online at http://helixweb.nih.gov/structbio/basic.html. You'll need to perform this calculation:

Buried_Surface_Area = ASA_bound - ASA_unbound1 - ASA_unbound2
ASA = Accessible Surface Area

Perhaps someone else knows of an easier way to do this.

Or two domains?
If you want to look between two domains, you'll probably want to break the molecule into two chains, and then run the analysis. Since you're talking about domains, there should probably be a place to make a clean break. If so, it's just a matter of inserting a TER record.

Is there any common criteria how to define boundary for that interface (other than van der Waals distance)?
As stated above, you can use loss of surface area upon binding (assumes proteins are rigid bodies), distance between C-alpha atoms, distance between residue atoms, or distance between VDW surfaces. They'll all produce similar results, but to my knowledge, there isn't a preferred method. It's a matter of personal preference.

From a programming point-of-view, the distance between C-alpha or residue atoms is preferred because it's the easiest to implement and the fastest to compute.

Steve Darnell

Steven Darnell
Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI USA

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