We have been thinking of buying Malvern Zetasizer Nano. We were given
a proper demonstration by the friendly Malvern staff, and it was
I also had RiNA Spectroscatter 201 demonstrated to me and it seems
a reasonable alternative to Malvern.
I am just looking at the brochures and the Malvern instrument has
a 4 mW laser while the RiNA has 100 mW. This looks like a big
difference but I am not sure if the two measures are simply comparable.
The measurement times during the demonstrations did not seem
very different.
Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Rypniewski tel: +48-61-8528503
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry fax: +48-61-8520532
Polish Academy of Sciences e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Noskowskiego 12/14 www: www.man.poznan.pl/~wojtekr/
61-704 Poznan, Poland