Any old references for "universal buffers"... Johnson, and Lindsey, Analyst, 64 (1939). Ellis, D. A., Nature, 191 (1961). Prideaux, E. B. R. , and Ward, A. T. , J. Chem. Soc., 125, 426 (1924). Britton, H. T. S. , and Robinson, R. A. , J. Chem. Soc., 1457 (1931).
But I never use these buffers myself and I don't know if these buffers are suitable for your column, you have to check chemical compatibility. Most chromatofocusing common troubleshooting is protein precipitation near isoelectric point, protein precipitation at unsupported pH and CO2 degassing adsorbed by buffer at high pH and released at low pH. Glycerol or betain can help you for protein precipitation and degassing / N2 storing for CO2 releasing. To optimize the resolution thin column and low flow rate are good choices. Michel.