
If you have enough crystals to experiment with, just do a normal series of
heavy atom derivatives, starting with good old favorites such as mercury
and platinum. As an added touch of class you can try tungstate - it's like
sulphate, but has fat W so it can be used probably just like a halide

Let me know if you need more detailed help :)


> Dear all,
> Could any one recommend some heavy atoms used for crystals grown in 0.1M
> tri-sodium citrate pH 5.6, 1M Lithium sulfate and 0.5M ammonium sulfate? I
> read from Hampton user guide of heavy atom kit that "high salt
> concentrations are not the ideal medium for heavy atom reactions with
> macromolecules", so is there any type of heavy atom we should avoid using?
> We do not have any experience in preparing heavy atom derivative, so any
> suggestions, experience or references will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!
> Tiancen Hu
> Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica

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