Dear Dr. Thomas

It's not SAD/MAD data I have solved it using molrep only.

I will try alternate positions for met and see the density again.

Thanx to all for valuable suggestions



On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 Thomas Edwards wrote :
>Dear Ethayathulla ,
>did you solve the structure by SeMet MAD or some other way?
>Sometimes you get strange densities around the ends of methionine side
>chains (around the S/Se) when switching from SeMet data to native.
>T.Edwards Ph.D.
>Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
>University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT
>Telephone: 0113 343 3031
>       -----Original Message-----
>       From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>Behalf Of Ethayathulla Abdulsamath
>       Sent: Fri 13 Apr 2007 10:51
>       Subject: [ccp4bb] Unusual Difference Fourier near Methionines
>       Dear all
>       I am doing one structure at 2.6A resolution where I found
>unusual density near methionines. Actually three methionines come close
>together nearby and I get difference even at 5sigma cutoff. I don't
>understand nature of the density. The amino acid sequnce is same I mean
>met by chemical sequncing so there is no change amino acid residues. I
>am sending the snapshot of the difference fourier observed at
>methionines. The crystal belong to R32 system with one molecule and
>biological trimer. In snapshot two of the methionines are symmetry
>       Details of the data collection.
>       Data collected at synchrotron
>       Overall Rsym = 6 % and I/sigma = 2.1. Completeness = 99%
>       Can anyone suggestion what could be chemical nature for the
>difference fourier.
>       Thanks in advance
>       Ethayathulla
>       ###################################################
>       A.S.Ethayathulla,Ph.D.
>       Department of Biophysics
>       All India Institute of Medical Sciences
>       Ansari Nagar
>       New Delhi-110029
>       India.
>       ###################################################
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Department of Biophysics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar
New Delhi-110029

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