When I experienced strong difference density near methionines, It could be 
explained by an alternative conformation of the residue...

greetings, david

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:51:09 -0000
Von: Ethayathulla Abdulsamath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: [ccp4bb] Unusual Difference Fourier near Methionines

> Dear all
> I am doing one structure at 2.6A resolution where I found unusual density
> near methionines. Actually three methionines come close together nearby and
> I get difference even at 5sigma cutoff. I don't understand nature of the
> density. The amino acid sequnce is same I mean met by chemical sequncing so
> there is no change amino acid residues. I am sending the snapshot of the
> difference fourier observed at methionines. The crystal belong to R32 system
> with one molecule and biological trimer. In snapshot two of the methionines
> are symmetry related. 
> Details of the data collection. 
> Data collected at synchrotron
> Overall Rsym = 6 % and I/sigma = 2.1. Completeness = 99% 
> Can anyone suggestion what could be chemical nature for the difference
> fourier.
> Thanks in advance
> Ethayathulla
> ###################################################
> A.S.Ethayathulla,Ph.D.
> Department of Biophysics
> All India Institute of Medical Sciences
> Ansari Nagar
> New Delhi-110029
> India.
> ###################################################

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