I updated the graphs. I think things have changed a lot since December last

There are no absurd-high (and way above the limits) peaks of workflows in
progress for some projects (e.g. Pulsar). However a number of apache repos
using GA grows steadily. Number of workflows "queued" fluctuates for many
projects and for some projects (spark) it seems it steadily grows.

Observation from the Airflow side (and I think lack of "escalation"
indicates that other projects have the same) is that we stopped observing
prolonged periods where a lot of jobs are queued for a long time (many
hours). One thing is that we moved a lot of the workload to our self-hosted
runners - when it comes to public runners, there are short peaks of queued
jobs but they seem to catch-up relatively quickly (max few hours).

When I see those graph, my interpretation is that Github got a lot better
queuing algorithms.Previously it seemed to be possible by a single project
to take over the queue and get the number of "in progress" way higher than
the 150 jobs limit, and I think that effectively blocked other projects for
a long time. Currently it seems that the algorithm they have balances out
the workload between projects much better - and if there are projects that
have more and more workloads, it impacts their own queue size much more
than queuing time of other projects - see Spark's average number of queued

The graphs IMHO are much healthier than they were a year ago.

I wonder what is the perception of others :).

BTW. It would be great if we could move it by a week - this week is shorter
for many and some have longer holidays (1st of Nov is a holiday in a number
of countries).

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 2:13 PM Gavin McDonald <gmcdon...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I think it is past time to have another meeting.
> The stresses and strains of our current CI makes me think we should have
> another discussion.
> Link to the cwiki page:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Builds+Agenda+2021-11-04
> If this week doesn't work then we can postpone until next week.
> --
> *Gavin McDonald*
> Systems Administrator
> ASF Infrastructure Team

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