Thanks, Zoran!

In our case, our site lives in a separate repository, as we have code in 3 different repositories that pushes to this site repository.

I've been playing around with Github Actions, but haven't gotten to the point where I am ready to open a request with INFRA to see if it's possible for the token to be added as a Github Actions secret. Currently I see the following methods being possible candidates:

1. Use a Github token for the ASF github org. This gives write access to all repos under the ASF org, which might be undesirable as there is no way to scope Github tokens to individual repos.

2. Use the Gitbox token that is currently used by the git-websites node which has write access to the asf-site branch of all repos. I think this is probably the more secure way, but it would be nice if the token can be scoped to individual repos.

On 13/08/2019 5:21 pm, Zoran Regvart wrote:
Hi Francis & Builders,

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 12:39 AM Francis Chuang
<> wrote:
Regarding automated website builds: Currently, this is only possible on
the ASF git-websites jenkins node as it holds the correct git
credentials to push to the website branch for ASF git repositories. Is
there an official process/workflow for this token to be added as a
secret in Github Actions?

 From my early experiments with GitHub actions, a GitHub action has
full access to the GitHub repository, that includes pushing to the
`asf-site` branch.


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