On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 5:39 PM Francis Chuang <francischu...@apache.org>

> Hi Greg,
> Should we/are we allowed to use Github Actions for ASF projects on
> Github right now? Do we need permission from infra or ASF itself?

Try it. We don't know if/what barriers might exist.

Infra's position is that we want to enable this for all of our projects. So
"permission granted" conceptually. Is there something more to effect that?
Don't know.

> Regarding automated website builds: Currently, this is only possible on
> the ASF git-websites jenkins node as it holds the correct git
> credentials to push to the website branch for ASF git repositories. Is
> there an official process/workflow for this token to be added as a
> secret in Github Actions?

Again: figure out how to add a secret, and let us know.

One concern is whether that secret is visible to the project, or only the
org admins. We don't know. Go find out and report back :)

Really: the short answer is that Infra is not going to do the *exploration*
at this time. But if/when you hit a roadblock, *then* we can fix it. Even
better, figuring it out and telling Infra "please do steps 1, 2, and 3."

InfraAdmin, ASF

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