Hi Greg,

Should we/are we allowed to use Github Actions for ASF projects on Github right now? Do we need permission from infra or ASF itself?

Regarding automated website builds: Currently, this is only possible on the ASF git-websites jenkins node as it holds the correct git credentials to push to the website branch for ASF git repositories. Is there an official process/workflow for this token to be added as a secret in Github Actions?


On 12/08/2019 8:31 am, Greg Stein wrote:
On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 5:15 PM Francis Chuang <francischu...@apache.org>

I think there are quite a few ASF projects using gitbox and Github and
this would be a very good complement or replacement for Travis, appvoyer
and other CI/CD platforms currently in use.

Is there any interest from the ASF to enable this for all Gitbox
projects when it becomes fully public?

Absolutely. The Infrastructure team would love to see groups try this out,
and share the experiences here.

If there are any hurdles, then share them and we'll try to knock them down.

I am also interested in being able to push to our website automatically
using Github Actions. If the git token that can push to a particular
website repository is added as a secret [2] to Github Actions, this
would be pretty easy to use for projects to automate the building of
their websites.

Should be possible. Again, comes back to groups trying this and reporting
back how well it went.

Greg Stein
Infrastructure Administrator, ASF

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