> On Dec 11, 2018, at 9:09 AM, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
> Jenkins users are deploying directly to Nexus with builds.
> Isn't that speaking out of both sides of our mouths at the same time, if Java 
> developers can push release builds directly to Nexus but non-Java developers 
> can't?
> Perhaps I'm misunderstanding...are the Nexus-published builds not treated the 
> same because they're not on dist.apache.org? Or are they not release versions?

        Yes, you are misunderstanding.

        1) Officially (legally?), source code distributions are "the release."  
Any and all binaries are considered to be convenience binaries so users don’t 
have to compile.  They are not official.   [Statements like “verify a release 
by rebuilding” don’t really parse as a result.]  

        2) As far as I’m aware/all the projects I’ve ever worked with, the 
uploads to Nexus are to the snapshot repo, not the release repo.  The release 
repos are still done manually. 

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