Hi Bart,

I believe that we are unfortunately unable to produce 64bit binaries
for Apple without violating their licensing terms (someone else will
know more, but I believe it's related to Xcode). For now, those who
want a 64bit binary rely on macports to provide it. Is what's in
macports out of date?


On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 at 12:21, Bart Kummel <b...@kummelweb.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> Apple switched off support for old 32 bit applications years ago. I'm
> surprised that there still isn't a 64bit Mac version of Lilypond. In the
> meantime, Apple has released their own silicon (the M1 processor), so I
> guess you should also be working on a version that runs on that hardware.
> I know there are work arounds, like unofficial builds (but those are
> outdated) and running Lilypond via Docker (but that's cumbersome). Those
> can only be used as temporary work arounds.
> Best regards,
> Bart Kummel
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