> I'm not top posting.

The following snippet shows a measure where the TupletNumber has good placement 
in 2.14.2 but strange placement in 2.15.38.


\language english

%%%%  Score begins here
\parallelMusic  #'(pianoRH dynamics  pianoLH) {

% Measure 9
<<  { \stemDown df''2\arpeggio s2 } \\
        { \stemUp \times 2/3 { g''8[ af'' c'''] }  df'''8 f''' 
        \ottava #+1 
        \times 2/3 { <g'' g'''>8 \( <af'' af'''> <g'' g'''> \) }
        \times 2/3 { <f'' f'''>  \( <df'' df'''> <f'' f'''> \) }
        \ottava #0 } >> |
s1\f | 
\clef bass <df af f'>2\arpeggio \clef treble <af' f''>2   |

% End of Music

\score {
        \new PianoStaff
          \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t

          \new Staff = "RH" \with { \consists "Page_turn_engraver" } \pianoRH
          \new Dynamics \dynamics
          \new Staff = "LH"   \pianoLH

  \layout { }

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