Hi, this is a patch series for the sysvinit package. Comments are welcome. Patches seven and eight are somewhat questionable, but I'd propose the first six for inclusion. Any hints how to send patches to the sysvinit maintainers? Attached to a bug report maybe?
I uploaded patched sysvinit packages to my debian repository for testing. It's here: deb http://teythoon.cryptobitch.de/gsoc/heap/debian unstable main Please use unstable for now. For your convenience there's a seed tarball containing appropriate sources.list.d snippets and the repository key: http://teythoon.cryptobitch.de/gsoc/heap/debian/seed.tar.xz Currently /hurd/console is not started (I'll add a init script for that later), but for now you have to start a getty on the console: 7:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 console The patched initscripts contains the runsystem.sysv file and uses the Debian alternatives system to replace the .gnu variant. It also switches to the appropriate halt and reboot utilities. If you install the package, you must use halt-hurd or reboot-hurd to halt or reboot the system. Running halt or reboot is not harmful though, it just doesn't work. Cheers, Justus