Hi all.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Thomas Schwinge <tho...@codesourcery.com>wrote:

> Copyright assignment.  As goverened by the Free Software Foundation, the
> GNU Hurd (as well as GCC and GDB, for these two GSoC projects) requires
> copyright assignment for any non-trivial patches that you contribute.

I have a little fuzz about this. A few days ago I have already sent  an
assignment email to the ass...@gnu.org under your advise. It seems doesn't
work because I didn't get any reply, so need I send one more  email?

>  Yue Lu,I'm sorry you stayed awake last Thursday and joined IRC -- and
> there was

 no meeting, so I apologize that I didn't clearly tell you there was no
> meeting scheduled.  Let's first start the regular IRC meetings once we've
> found and set a suitable time.

I am fine, and I feel that  It's a so wonderful thing to be mentored by you
a very nice man. :)

> We'll try to answer any questions you have in a timely manner, but please
> keep
> in mind that everyone of us mentors (as far as I know) is doing the GSoC
> mentoring in his free time, so there may be delays if our time is needed
> for higher-priority (work) tasks.

Thanks for all of you who share yourself valuable time to mentor us.

> Weekly reports.
Got it. And I will update my weekly status on my blog under the category of
gsoc (hacklu.com/blog/category/gsoc/).

Yue Lu (陆岳)

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