
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 20:24:52 +0300, Fotis Koutoulakis 
<fotis.koutoula...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have one last question about this. Will we get access to the HURD
> repository on savannah? Is there anything we need to gain access? For
> instance a @gnu.org email address? Something else? If so, how can we
> obtain the credentials needed to gain access?

For now, you just need read-only access to the respective repositories.
Everyone of you, as any other contributor, will get write access as soon
as there's a need for it, and consensus among the maintainers.  For
example, if you send so many patches that we get tired ;-D pushing them
for you.  This is quickly set up once we need it.

Any patches that are ready should be submitted using the regular patch
submission process.  For example, for the GCC and GDB projects, that
means by sending them as emails to the respective mailing list.  Every
patch you move out of your local tree, and get it integrated into the
upstream repository, then you don't have to maintain it locally any
longer, so this should always be the goal.  Also, it helps to submit
patches right after you created them, because then you still remember all
the details that upstream reviewers will ask you during review.

But for the GCC and GDB projects specifically, we'll probably also want
some repository that at least you and mentors can access, because both
these projects will likely require some longer development periods (for
the GCC Go port, and gdbserver port, respectively), but at least the
mentors should still be able to review what you're doing.  Are you
familiar with Git?  That would be the easiest for me, and a Git
repository can easily be set up for that.  But again, we'll do that as
soon as there's a need for it.


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