Am Mittwoch 05 November 2008 21:38:09 schrieb Sergiu Ivanov:
> Could you please tell me what Gentoo GNU/Hurd is exactly? Is it
> something similar to Debian GNU/Hurd, with the difference that it will
> have portage, while Debian GNU/Hurd has apt?

Gentoo GNU/Hurd was/is a try at creating a Hurd System which uses the Gentoo 
package manager (portage) instead of Debian. 

Gentoo is source-based and extremely configurable (and it's the system I've 
been using for almost 5 years, now). 

> Sorry if the questions look senseless, I'm just trying to figure out
> what could be the goal of developing Gentoo GNU/Hurd.

Gentoo folks tend to like dabbling with the more complex stuff - mainly the 
current purpose is tinkering, I think, but on the long run Gentoo offers the 
advantage of a very easy to maintain package repository built around 
"ebuilds", which are a kind of meta-build-scripts which contain dependencies, 
build instructions and similar. 

And since ebuilds are very easy to maintain, it's far easier to keep a system 
current with them. 

Generally: If someone from the Gentoo community does a Gentoo GNU/Hurd, that's 
great (new contributors), but if someone would ask "should I develop a Gentoo 
GNU/Hurd or hack the Hurd itself", I'd currently say "hacking the Hurd seems 
to be priority at the moment to get the reference (debian) distribution usable 
for general desktop usage". 

Best wishes, 
-- My stuff: - stories, songs, poems, programs and stuff :)
-- Infinite Hands: - singing a part of the 
history of free software.
-- Ein Würfel System: - einfach saubere (Rollenspiel-) Regeln.

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