Please allow me to add something.

I'm relatively new to the GNU Hurd project, so i don't know a lot
of things that are technical in nature or otherwise (eg Szmidt's

However, i do know one thing. All Hurd needs to survive is a
community of people that actually care for Hurd to survive. Since
i have approached the Hurd community, i have only seen a handful
of people actually trying to keep this community alive by being
involved or by encouraging others to get involved. These people
are not the janitors of Hurd, they don't just maintain it, they
keep it alive and try to make it evolve the best way they can.
It's a dirty job that very few persons can actually do. Let's try
to remember that all those involved with the Hurd are not
professionals. They don't get payed by doing all this. They devote
their free time for something they think it's worth doing at the
expense of something else they could be doing.

We should respect the effort these few people have put in this
project. Although nobody can demand respect, i think these people
have earned it.


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