"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it." - Voltaire

From: "Alfred M. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: bug-hurd@gnu.org
In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (message from Thomas Schwinge
        on Thu, 9 Nov 2006 13:50:31 +0100)
Subject: Re: Working on stuff / statement from tschwinge (was: Gnumach clean:
        Need advice, re Header files)
FCC: ~/RMAIL.outbox
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--text follows this line--
  Roland, while I in general agree to your given advice, I don't
  really think it here is appropriate towards Samuel and me.

It is entirely appropriate, if you have no clue what you are doing,
then don't do it.  You have completely showed a lack of judgement with
your patches.

  Do you dare to estimate what would have happened if I and the other
  handful of people would not have gone hog-wild over the last

Nothing.  Same thing that is happening right now.  It isn't like you
and the other handful of people have fixed anything that is actually
broken.  Case in point: gcc, glibc are still broken, and gdb would
also still be broken if I hadn't fixed it.

Patches that actually clean up the code base are important, _when_ the
code base actually works.  In our case, it does not and has not since
almost a year now.

  I wouldn't be surprised if GNU Mach and / or GNU Hurd and / or
  Debian GNU/Hurd and / or the GNU system would be dead and gray by

The GNU system is fine, but not thanks to you.

  Or would you want to have Szmidt (alone by himself then by now, I
  estimate) doing the work I'm doing with the handful?

Me and Roland actually get along, we might not agree on everything,
but at least he nor I go willy nilly and throw out these useless
accusations like you do and continue to wage a personal war against
people.  And I'm not alone, from the looks, you are though since you
have to post such rants instead of actually hacking; atleast my rants
were about getting actualy work done.

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