Hello Jorge,

Jorge P. de Morais Neto <jorge+l...@disroot.org> writes:

> Hi Marius.
> Em [2021-06-16 qua 23:09:19+0200], Marius Bakke escreveu:
>> It's not easily possible to install extensions with ungoogled-chromium,
>> apart from the two that are available directly through Guix.  If the
>> user goes out of their way to install extensions, such as using a
>> browser from a different distro, there is little we can do.
>> Mixing browser profiles between the vanilla and ungoogled Chromium is
>> not a supported use case.  Warranty void.
> In my case, the Debian Chromium's profile was already there when I
> installed Guix's ungoogled-chromium.  I didn't even notice that Guix's
> ungoogled-chromium cannot install extensions from the Chrome Store.
>> I'd accept a patch that warns or refuses to use a "tainted" browser
>> profile, or changes the default browser profile directory so it does not
>> conflict with vanilla.
> Unfortunately I cannot write such a patch; I would have to dedicate a
> large amount of time learning about Chromium's insides (which are
> reportedly byzantine) and I don't even know if I'll actually keep using
> Guix's ungoogled-chromium.  But couldn't you report this to
> ungoogled-chromium upstream?

With close to 1500 bugs open, we need *your* help :-).  If you think
this issue is worthy of bringing upstream, please see to it!

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll close this issue as not-a-bug as Marius
suggested, as it appears to me reasonable that the Guix-installed
ungoogled-chromium wouldn't know to police (especially outside of
regular updates) software installed from external sources to Guix.

Thank you,


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