Hi. I use Guix atop Debian¹ testing (currently bullseye). I normally browse the web on GNU IceCat and sometimes Firefox and Emacs EWW. I only use (ungoogled-)chromium for the rare websites that don't work on the other browsers. Long ago I installed in Chromium the extension The Great Suspender, and only today (months after G$$gle Chrome, according to news articles) did my Chromium disable it for having malware. And the only Chromium that did that for me was Debian's.
So, I hypothesize that the ungoogling process has disabled Chromium's ability to automatically disable malware extensions. If true, that is a serious defect of ungoogled-chromium and Guix should make sure that users at least know about it. There could be a warning in the Guix package description *and* on the browser's start page. Thank you for your work on GNU! Regards ¹ When I find the time I intend to migrate to PureOS for superior libre software ethics. -- - https://stallmansupport.org "In Support of Richard Stallman" - If an email of mine arrives at your spam box, please notify me. - Please adopt free/libre formats like PDF, ODF, Org, LaTeX, Opus, WebM and 7z. - Free/libre software for Replicant, LineageOS and Android: https://f-droid.org - [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html][What is free software?]]