Alex Kost <> skribis:

> Ludovic Courtès (2016-06-02 22:40 +0300) wrote:
>> Alex Kost <> skribis:
>>> Ludovic Courtès (2016-04-20 18:31 +0300) wrote:
>> [...]
>>>>>> However, I think (1) the title should describe the bug, not the
>>>>>> solution, and (2) ‘guix edit’ does what it says IMO, even if it can
>>>>>> occasionally stumble upon read-only files.
>>>>> OK, well I don't know what to do with it then.  What about the following
>>>>> title: «"guix edit" name may be confusing»?
>>>> Perfect! :-)
>>> Done.
>> I’m rather inclined to close this bug as ‘wontfix’.  Thoughts?
> I would prefer it to be solved by renaming "guix edit" to "guix package
> definition", but I think it will not be welcomed by most users and
> authors, so 'wontfix' is fine by me.

I’m of course unsure what “most” users would think, but I find ‘guix
package definition’ too wordy and probably too hard to find for a

OK, marking it as wontfix, and we can always revisit the issue later if
people disagree!


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