Follow-up Comment #3, bug #66919 (group groff):

Hi Dave,

We seem to be talking totally past each other.

At 2025-03-17T22:12:04-0400, Dave wrote:
> Follow-up Comment #2, bug #66919 (group groff):
> [comment #1 comment #1:]
>> I don't think you diagnosed this problem correctly.
> Admittedly, it's hard to show the behavior change between git HEAD and
> any previous version of groff, because no version before about a month
> ago had a .pchar request.  So I need to either backport .pchar into an
> older groff, or craft a test that shows an observable output change.

Right, I rapidly blundered into the same frustration.

>> I have alternative facts.  Er, I mean, an alternative input file.
> OK, but this at best shows that the bug only occurs sometimes, not all
> the time.

The assertion in the bug summary is that ".hcode no longer accepts a
special character as its first argument".

I believe that acceptance of a special charcter as the first `hcode`
request argument precisely what my input file illustrates.  The
hyphenation code of the "source" (second argument, a lowercase letter
'a' with acute accent) is extracted and assigned to the special
character `\[~o]`.

> It doesn't change the erroneous behavior of my test.

How is your input file behaving erroneously?

>> ...and therefore its hyphenation code is 0, the default.
> Yes, which is my intent.

How are we to distinguish special characters that are created with a
default hyphenation code of zero from ones have that a hyphenation code
of zero assigned to them by copying from an ordinary character that has
a hyphenation code of zero?

If we can't, then short of a GDB session, I don't see how you can
sustain that claim.  For what it's worth, I did actually run GDB on the
"troff" in Git HEAD and the control flow is correct.  `\[~o]` _is_
recognized as a special character.

I could assign it a hyphenation code from a basic Latin letter instead.
That's no trouble.

$ printf '.pchar \\[~o]\n.hcode \\[~o] z\n.pchar \\[~o]\n' |
./build/test-groff 2>&1 | grep hyph
  hyphenation code: 0
  hyphenation code: 122

> I suspect your alternative input using a character that _is_ given a
> hyphenation code in latin1.tmac accounts for the difference in
> behavior.

My claim is that the fact that the assignment "took" and got applied to
the special character `\[~o]` is evidence that ".hcode no longer accepts
a special character as a first argument" is not a factual statement.

>> There are multiple opinions about ...
> I'm happy to kick that can down the road; for now, having a character
> that has no hyphenation code defined in any startup file is useful for
> demonstrating the bug.

We're unlikely to run out of those.

$ echo '.pchar =' | ./build/test-groff
character '='
  is not translated
  does not have a macro
  special translation: 0
  hyphenation code: 0
  flags: 0
  ASCII code: 61
  asciify code: 0
  is found
  is transparently translatable
  is not translatable as input
  mode: normal

>> I propose that there is no bug here, or at a minimum, that GNU
>> _troff_ is in fact accepting a special character as the first
>> argument to the `hcode` request.  What do you think?
> I'm not clear on how "I can craft different input where .hcode does
> work" invalidates the bug demonstrated by my input where it doesn't.

I guess I don't understand where your siting the claim of the buggy
behavior.  (Deri had a great expression for this, but I can't remember
it right now.)

I reiterate:

How are we to distinguish special characters that are created with a
default hyphenation code of zero from ones have that a hyphenation code
of zero assigned to them by copying from an ordinary character that has
a hyphenation code of zero?

Here's another demonstrator.  Let's take a special character that starts
life (after startup files are read, importantly) with a nonzero
hyphenation code and see if we can get the `hcode` request to fail to
assign it a new one, illustrating your claim that ".hcode no longer
accepts a special character as a first argument".

$ printf '.pchar \\[`a]\n.hcode \\[`a] z\n.pchar \\[`a]\n' |
./build/test-groff 2>&1 | grep hyph
  hyphenation code: 97
  hyphenation code: 122

In what sense is the `hcode` request not working?

My working copy does tend to race ahead of Savannah, so I checked out
master and confirmed the foregoing exhibits using this commit.

commit 6469e004b219f35786e02d886d56808bba846cee (HEAD, origin/master,
Author: G. Branden Robinson <>
Date:   Sun Mar 16 09:35:30 2025 -0500

    [troff]: Fix logic error.

Here's another illustrator.

$ printf '.ll 1n\n.pchar \\[`a]\n.hcode \\[`a] z\n.pchar \\[`a]\nfizzle
fi\\[`a]zle\n' | ./build/test-groff -Wbreak -a 2>&1
special character "`a"
  is not translated
  does not have a macro
  special translation: 0
  hyphenation code: 97
  flags: 0
  ASCII code: 0
  asciify code: 224
  is found
  is transparently translatable
  is translatable as input
  mode: normal
special character "`a"
  is not translated
  does not have a macro
  special translation: 0
  hyphenation code: 122
  flags: 0
  ASCII code: 0
  asciify code: 224
  is found
  is transparently translatable
  is translatable as input
  mode: normal
<beginning of page>

As I predicted, with this input, the \[`a] special character is
participating in hyphenation as the basic Latin letter `z` does.


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