Update of bug #66332 (group groff):

             Assigned to:                    None => PTPi                   


Follow-up Comment #2:

Assigning to Peter, _mom_'s author and maintainer.

As an aside--

I noticed something odd with this input.  It doesn't seem to be a new issue.

$ /usr/bin/groff --version | head -n 1
GNU groff version 1.22.4
$ /usr/bin/groff -mom -Z ./minimal.mom >| minimal.grout
gropdf-info:href fig:1 
$ /usr/bin/grops minimal.grout >| minimal.ps
/usr/bin/grops:minimal.grout:113: warning: unrecognized command '.'
/usr/bin/grops:minimal.grout:119: X command without 'ps:' tag ignored

The second diagnostic doesn't worry me; I'm using _grops_ after all.

But the first?

$ sed -n '112,120p' minimal.grout
n16158 0
.           TO_FIGURES "View of the Raetikon Group approximately two thirds
along the way."
x X pdf: pdfpic IMG_4025.pdf -L 160000z 120000z
n16158 0
x font 40 TI

That is invalid _grout_.  How did it get there?

(grepping Git HEAD now)

$ git grep -n TO_FIGURES
contrib/mom/momdoc/images.html:1169:  .TO_FIGURES EQUATIONS
contrib/mom/om.tmac:20370:.    if '\\$0'TO_FIGURES' \{\
contrib/mom/om.tmac:20456:.ALIAS TO_FIGURES   LISTS_COLLECTOR
contrib/mom/om.tmac:22010:\!.        TO_FIGURES "\\*[pic*label]"
contrib/mom/om.tmac:22012:\!.        TO_FIGURES "\\*[pic*caption\\*[short]]"
contrib/mom/om.tmac:23879:\!.        TO_FIGURES "\\*[pdf-img*label]"
contrib/mom/om.tmac:23883:\!.           TO_FIGURES

Ah.  `\!`, the "transparent throughput" escape sequences.

It may be that one or two things should be done about this:

1.  _mom_ should confirm that she's in a diversion before employing `\!`
unless she intends to write _grout_ commands to the output stream.

2.  _mom_ could use the `output` request instead of `\!`.  The request works
the same, except that it _only_ bubbles _groff_ input up through diversions,
and does not penetrate the barrier of transmission to the output stream.


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