URL: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66332>
Summary: [mom] Image caption not centered when set to render after label Group: GNU roff Submitter: sschober Submitted: Mon 14 Oct 2024 12:44:52 PM UTC Category: Macro package mom Severity: 3 - Normal Item Group: Incorrect behaviour Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Planned Release: None _______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon 14 Oct 2024 12:44:52 PM UTC By: Sven Schober <sschober> Hi! I am using groff 1.23.0 and the mom macro package that comes with it. When I try to embed an image with a centered caption which should be rendered below the image and centered (the default, as I figure, if I read the documentation correctly), all I can produce is a caption set in flush left (sorry, if this is wrong terminology - what I mean is: left aligned): .DOCTYPE DEFAULT .PRINTSTYLE TYPESET .CAPTIONS IMG FONT I SIZE -1 COLOR darkgrey QUAD CENTER .CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL ALL .START In the following picture, you can see a marvelous view which is to be had on the tour: .PDF_IMAGE IMG_4025.pdf 160p 120p CAPTION "View of the Raetikon Group approximately two thirds along the way." .PP It can be experienced somewhat into the tour, about two thirds along the way. You can see the rendered result in the pdf attached to this report. When I remove the .CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL the caption is rendered above the image and is centered. I've attached that document as well. Did I missinterpret the intended behavior? If so, is there a way to achiev a centered caption _below_ the image? _______________________________________________________ File Attachments: ------------------------------------------------------- Name: minimal.groff Size: 407B <https://file.savannah.gnu.org/file/minimal.groff?file_id=56523> ------------------------------------------------------- Name: IMG_4025.pdf Size: 138KiB <https://file.savannah.gnu.org/file/IMG_4025.pdf?file_id=56524> ------------------------------------------------------- Name: minimal-caption-after-label.pdf Size: 140KiB <https://file.savannah.gnu.org/file/minimal-caption-after-label.pdf?file_id=56525> ------------------------------------------------------- Name: minimal-without-caption-after-label.pdf Size: 140KiB <https://file.savannah.gnu.org/file/minimal-without-caption-after-label.pdf?file_id=56526> AGPL NOTICE These attachments are served by Savane. You can download the corresponding source code of Savane at https://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/administration/savane.git/snapshot/savane-5884e4a9230d15304b87cea2cb354b47aaae7934.tar.gz _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66332> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/
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