Update of bug #66143 (group groff):

                  Status:                    None => Need Info              


Follow-up Comment #13:

Hi Sven,

[comment #11 comment #11:]
> So, I now installed a debian bookworm distribution in a VM and checked:
pkg-config is behaving the same on that system:

> grep -IR UCHARDET_CFLAGS Makefile
> UCHARDET_CFLAGS = -I/usr/include/uchardet

> But, I think, that the build is working currently is a coincidence, as
uchardet.h is installed under /usr/include/uchardet/; with /usr/include being
a default search path (correct?).
> To test my assumption, I applied my "patch" (removing the 'uchardet'
directory prefix from the include statement) to the current sources and
rebuilt on debian and it still worked just fine. 
> This suggests, in my interpretation at least, that the pkg-config provided
CFLAGS is not used during a default build currently at all.

All I can really tell you is that _groff_ itself doesn't have any logic to
determine values for `UCHARDET_CFLAGS` and `UCHARDET_LIBS`: we rely upon a
stock Autoconf macro for that.

Specifically, we use `PKG_CHECK_MODULES`.


You should have a "config.status" file at the top of your build directory. 
Here's what mine says about these variables.

$ grep UCHARDET_ ./build/config.status 

If the variable assignments are wrong for your system, then it seems likely
that either the Autoconf macro is somehow wrong, or the uchardet package
shipped (by Homebrew?) is misconfigured and produces the wrong output.  A
major point of pkg-config's design, as I understand it, is to delegate the
emission of compiler and linker flags to the library package itself rather
than trying to detect such things via experimentation (as Autoconf
historically has done), since the packager of the library is in the best
position to know what these flags should be.

My system says this:

$ pkg-config --cflags uchardet
$ pkg-config --libs uchardet

Do the same commands on your system produce correct results?


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