Follow-up Comment #10, bug #66143 (group groff):

> The dueling-pdftotexts problem should likely be a separate bug report.

Sorry for the mess - but, in my defense, I was a bit hesitant in the
beginning.. :)

> Solving (2) is a matter of, I think, having the test scripts check the
program behavior and SKIPping the test if the program doesn't behave the way
we expect.

I thought about a configure test, issuing a warning if the wrong/missbehaving
xpdf tools are found?

> We have (1) a possible pkg-config problem on macOS

ATM, I only have access to macos, otherwise I would try to compare the
outcomes of the different pkg-configs on macos and archlinux, e.g.. Could it
be also the way uchardet is installed  via homebrew? 

brew list uchardet | grep '\.h'


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